ОАО "Малышевское рудоуправление"
The joint-stock company “Malysheva Mines Management”   
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компанией Intersat
2005 ©

Малышевское рудоуправление The joint-stock company “Malysheva Mines Management” (JSC “MMM”) is one of the eldest Russian enterprises for mining and concentrating ore and producing mineral concentrates used in the various industries.

JSC “Malisheva Mines Management” includes:
- dressing mill;
- foundry workshop; - truck fleet; - logistics centre; - jewellery-facetting workshop; - several auxiliary subdivisions.

Nowadays, the company is producing the following types of finished products:
- feldspar concentrate;
- mica muscovite concentrate (threshed and unthreshed);
- jewellery (gold and precious stones are used).

The company has been working to up-date the production process techniques and procedures aimed to improve products quality and enlarge the assortment. The products quality is confirmed by Russian Federal Standards (GOSTs) and certificates. Shipment of the manufactured items may be undertaken by automobile and railroad transport. Domestic and foreign customers have already enjoyed efficient and reliable collaboration with JSC “Malysheva Mines Management”. We are striving to meet the requirements of our customers in the constantly changeable economic environments to increase number of our partners and pour ourselves into the financial flows of the surrounding market. These are the strategic tasks of the company for years ahead. The company’s mineral resource base is represented by the pegmatoid granites. The ore is located within the ore stocks and its reserves are sufficient to keep working of the enterprise continuously for at least 15 year. Besides, the company has got a quarry at the deposit with reserves sufficient for 20 year work of the enterprise.

Отгрузка продукции From the ore stocks the ore is loaded out by model EKG-4.6 “A” excavator and delivered to the concentrating mill by KrAZ-253 rear dump trucks. The dressing mill includes the section of ore preparation, where crushing, grinding and screeching of the received ore are carried out, the section of floatation, the section of the obtained concentrates drying, the section of gravity processing, as well as the auxiliary services: chemical-physical and technological laboratories. The section of ore preparation receives ore delivered into the receiving bin by motor-trucks and after crushing, grinding and screening passes ore to the section of flotation. The know-how schedule used in the floatation section includes feldspar and mica-muscovite extraction from ore into the appropriate concentrates with the help of various reagents. These concentrates having reached the necessary quality in accordance with an agreement between a customer and JSC “Malysheva Mines Management” are delivered to the drying section. The dried concentrates after laboratory analyses are distributed by the elevators into the appropriate bunkers. The mica-muscovite concentrates are packed in 20-30 kg kraft-paper bags. The marketable lots are formed in accordance with the results of laboratory analyses.

The finished products are delivered to the customer or railroad station by automobile transport. The feldspar concentrates are transported to the by-the-rail base in cement trucks, where the concentrates are loaded into the bunkers in accordance with their ferric percentage. As soon as marketable lot is formed, it is delivered to the consumer in railroad cars or containers or by means of automobile transport.